Thursday, 20 September 2012

Artist Placement Group

Between 1966 and the turn of the 1980s, APG negotiated approximately fifteen placements for artists lasting from a few weeks to several years; first within industries (often large corporations such as British Steel and ICI) and later within UK government departments such as the Department of Health and the Scottish Office. APG arranged that artists would work to an ‘open brief’, whereby their placements were not required to produce tangible results, but that the engagement itself could potentially benefit both host organisations as well as the artists in the long-term. (excerpt from Raven Row)

Tony Benn the then Minister of Technology played a pivotal role in establishing placements in industrial and governmental environments;

- "This gave the people engaged in very often bureaucratic hierarchies, or simply doing their job, an idea that there was something more about what they were doing than they themselves realised."  (excerpt from Tate ETC.)

Looking forward to hopefully catching this exhibition in the coming months at Raven Row

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